Cola AKA ‘Little Pompom’

Started Agility 2021, Pomeranian, Age 4
About Me
Meet Cola, AKA ‘Little Pompom’, our June Dog of the Month.

With his luscious silky coat, sassy personality and unusually long legs, Cola knows how to ensure all the attention is on him. Behind his façade of “small dog syndrome” he is wary of everything and anything, especially those dark scary tunnels mummy tells him to go through for a little treat (he’s not too sure if this is a fair trade or not).

Some would say Cola lives up to every Pomeranian stereotype, fluffy, yappy and full of energy. Don’t get us wrong though, he loves to sleep, and oh boy, can he sleep. Whether it’s in the sun belly and paws up or under mummy’s duvet – we hear his snoring cannot be distinguished from that of a middle-aged man! Its tough work being this cute, huh.

When he’s not doing agility, he’s on high alert for any chance of a little snacky snack snack – and don’t be fooled by his puppy eyes or his little whimpers – he knows exactly how to win your heart. He loves to be picked up or to be on a lap, so he can give you kisses (or just to taste what you had for your last meal).

Keep a look out and you might see Cola’s debut at an upcoming agility ribbon trial. You will smash it Cola! And Team CCATS can’t wait to cheer you on.

  • Favourite Obstacle: Hurdles!
  • Best Trick: Ring a bell
  • Favourite Treat: Cheese!
  • Secret Talent: Supersonic hearing, can hear a bag of chips being opened in Southland