Bob, AKA ‘Bob’s your Uncle’

Started Agility February 2015, Border x Fox Terrier, Age 9
About Me
Meet Bob, AKA Bob’s Your Uncle.

Undoubtedly adorable, and one of the scruffiest members of the team, at 9 years old, Bob is one of our gorgeous agility vetrans. He may look unassuming and cute (those eyebrows!), but we’ve heard he can sometimes be a demanding wee chap. All we know is that he absolutely shines in his agility element!

Like so many of our dogs, his favorite obstacle is the tunnel, while his biggest challenge is keeping that little nose out of the grass, and nailing those tricky weaves in competition. His proudest achievement to date is a solid 2nd Place Champ Show finish in Starters, but what we really want to see more of, is his secret talent in action– a well executed commando crawl…

Bob’s handler discovered agility watching Tux Wonder Dogs as a kid, and he couldn’t be luckier, as it combines his many great loves– meaty treats, quality time with his favourite person, and plenty of time with his Hol-EE Roller ball. It also helps him enjoy his other loves– napping stretched out on his side in the sun, curling up at the end of the bed at the end of a hard day (because, let’s face it, for a dog, every day is a hard day!).

We love you Bob and are so excited to celebrate YOU. Thank you for being part of the sparkle that helps make our CCATS family truly shine.

  • Secret Talent: Crawling on his tummy
  • Agility Goal: Nailing those weaves
  • Favourite Toy: His Hol-EE Roller Ball